The Blog:

Herbalism, Cartomancy, and writing as a sacred craft

Words at the intersection of spectral science, ancestral citation, earthlove, and patternism.

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Rose Petals + Rose Hips
Herbalism Cyree Jarelle Johnson Herbalism Cyree Jarelle Johnson

Rose Petals + Rose Hips

Is there any plant ally more beloved than the rose? Its beauty and scent have inspired love poems, fueled winter holidays, and helped countless people open their hearts to love.

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Holy Basil
Herbalism Cyree Jarelle Johnson Herbalism Cyree Jarelle Johnson

Holy Basil

Capitalism makes burnout inevitable. Tulsi Kapoor nourishes our brains, and helps us navigate our culture of overwork while being kind to our body/minds and ourselves.

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A Love Letter to Mugwort
Herbalism Cyree Jarelle Johnson Herbalism Cyree Jarelle Johnson

A Love Letter to Mugwort

To say that I fuck with mugwort is a huge understatement. 

It is a mainstay in my psychic life. It is my go-to replacement for white sage. It’s foragable in my growing zone and it is super abundant, as well as being beautiful and silvery

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