What I’m all about
Hey, I’m Cyrée
I’m a clinical herbalist, rootworker, diviner, and poet who has helped queers, leftists, and otherwise marginalized folks connect to the divine for the last 14 years ☻
Mind/Body/Spirit Care is Community Care.
...Just Sayin’
I help people deepen their relationship with their body/minds through connections with plant spirits as a clinical herbalist, and guide people through the alternate possibilities for their lives with tarot and cartomancy.
I am the third (known) clairvoyant in my matrilineal line. I have been studying and reading tarot cards for twenty-four years. I have studied with some of the most prominent teachers in my lineage. If you’re looking to connect with spirit to transform your life and the world around you, I can help with that ☻
If you’re ready to take the next step: Take action ↓
My Values
My Values 〰️
Why I do What I do
I do my work out of a deep and sincere love of Black people, trans people, and the world.
I believe everyone is born with gifts from the creator that are meant to benefit their community. Developing and sharing those gifts takes help from the same community (funny how that works, right?)
I’m a Little different cos
I apply my methods. I don’t just talk about how hoodoo, divination, and rootwork are part of movements — I’ve integrated them into every movement of which I’ve been a part.
I Really, Really believe in
The power of the earth, our intuitions, and our hearts to get us free.
Books I Wrote↓
My Training:
I’m a nerd, and I’m not ashamed of it! I believe people who do this work should pursue formal training — more about mine below.
✦ → Home training 2001-2007 with my great-grandmother and mother.
✦ → Community Training 2007-2011
✦ → BA Hampshire College (Media Studies)
✦ → MSLIS (Archives) Drexel University
✦ → MFA Columbia University (Poetry)
✦ → Sacred Vibes Apprenticeship, Levels I + 2 2021-2022
✦ → Rootwork Herbals People’s Medicine School 2023-2024
✦ → Hoodoo Mentorship with Memphis Conjure 2023
✦ → Conjure Mentorship with Toya Joyner 2024
✦ → Wild Current Advanced Clinical Herbalism Skills 2024-2025
✦ → Next I want to learn about forest farming, land stewardship and foraging.