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Herbalism, Cartomancy, and writing as a sacred craft
Words at the intersection of spectral science, ancestral citation, earthlove, and patternism.
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Working Playing Cards: Clubs & Spades
Just try to remember the spiritual aspects of endings and choices, and you’ll make peace with the Spades.

Working Playing Cards: Hearts & Diamonds
There are important differences between the suits in tarot and those in playing cards. Those differences are essential to understanding these tools.

Working Playing Cards to Get What You Want
Playing cards can be used as petitions or as an energy enhancer under a candle, but there are so many other ways to use tarot and playing cards in conjure and spellwork. Here’s a couple things you should know before getting started that can make your work more efficient and powerful

Examining Your Spiritual Practice
Each position poses a different challenge. What matters is that you choose the spiritual practices that are ethical and right for you.