Oatstraw & Milky Oat Seed
image: oatstraw plant over a purple gradient background.
Consider the common oat: a food crop, a childhood friend, and in some places, a weed.
Did you know the oatstraw is a powerful healing tonic for those of us under chronic stress, living with anxiety, or healing after prolonged illness?
Milky oat seed is the green seed of the oatstraw plant. It’s an excellent partner when you need emotional relief to start quickly.
Oatstraw restores our emotional state over time. In short, work with milky oat seed if you’re already activated. Blend with oatstraw to extend those benefits when you’re no longer so activated.
Oatstraw harmonizes with our bodies best through liquid infusion, a way of preparing herbs where plants and water sit together for a long time before drinking. A standard infusion is 20-40 minutes. For the full benefits of an infusion of oatstraw or milky oat seed, leave it to sit on the counter overnight.
I’ll discuss:
✹ An introduction to oatstraw and milky oat seed as herbal allies.
✹ The benefits of oatstraw, especially oatstraw tea.
✹ How to make oatstraw tea.
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⟶ Oatstraw Actions and Compounds
Oatstraw Basics
Common Name: Milky Oat Seed/Oatstraw
Latin Name: Avena Sativa
Nicknames: Oat Groats
Region: Asia, including Europe. North Africa. Naturalized many places around the world, and sometimes considered an invasive weed.
Planetary/Astrological Associations: Venus, Earth
Family: Poaceae
Energetics: Neutral, Moist
Taste: Sweet
Impressions: Permanent (in herbalism, this means that your mouth feels full, without other physical sensations)
Description: A cold weather hearty grass that can grow over 5 ½ feet. Seeds cluster at the top of the stem in a panicle. They are pollinated by the wind.
Parts Used: Aerial Parts
Oatstraw Actions
Foundational Action: Relaxing Demulcent
Primary Actions: Adaptogenic, Nervine
Secondary Actions: Anti-Inflammatory, Anxiolytic, Emollient, Aphrodisiac, Cardiotonic, Nutrative, Tonic, Trophorestorative, Vulnerary
Bioactive Compounds: β-Glucan, Saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, salicylic acid, starch, proteins, calcium, B-vitamins, magnesium, vitamin E, silica, other trace minerals
Oatstraw Uses
Physical Uses: anxiety, depression, stress, bedwetting, insomnia, heart tonic, tissue inflammation and irritation, improves appetite, fingernail and hair growth. Excellent (and studied) for the elderly and those in fragile physical states.
Magical Uses: Love, Healing
Who Shouldn’t Use Oatstraw: Generally regarded as “safe.” Use caution if you have diabetes or a gluten sensitivity. Talk to your doctor about working with herbs more generally, but especially if you are pregnant.
Cultivation: Grows wild in many places, generally cultivated as an agricultural crop.
Methods of Preparation and Dosage
How to Make Oatstraw Tea
Overnight Oatstraw Infusion
Before bed, combine ¼ cup of Oatstraw or Milky Oat Seed for every cup of water. If you’re working with Milky Oat Seed, I recommend crushing it with a mortar and pestle before infusing.
Pour boiled water over the plant material. I like to use a french press for this.
Let the mixture infuse overnight.
Drink first thing in the morning.