If you'd like! I'll ask if you have a strong preference for tarot, lenormand, or playing cards when you arrive.
If not, I'll generally read all three in a 60 minute reading.
Tarot is like a good queer friend. It believes you have infinite possibilities, and that much of the outcome comes down to your choices in this moment and the next.
Playing cards, of which Lenormand cards are related, are more focused on cause and effect. They understand that your future is dictated on many choices you've already made.
Also, tarot isn't the best for "yes/no" questions. Playing cards, however, are very good at binary choices.
There are other differences, but that's generally a good place to start.
Regular Hours (times in US ET)
Wednesday: 6:00PM-8:00PM
Thursday-Friday: 1:00PM-7:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM-1:00PM
Holiday hours may differ; please check calendar below
Please contact me via the email address provided in your email if you foresee being more than 10 minutes late.
More than 15 minutes late with no previous contact will be considered a no show.
Appointments can be cancelled up to 72 hours before your scheduled time.
Refunds are available up to 72 hours before your scheduled appointment.