Herbalism + Cartomancy⏤ for Leaders, Activists + Artists who want to create a new world ✦ without sacrificing themselves.

Nice to Meet ya.

I started this work in my community at twelve years old when I first picked up the cards. Mind you, I was raised in The Church 〰 I read my people and they gave me permission to continue. My practice grew alongside the needs of those in my family, communities, and movements . Flash forward 24 years and I’m your friendly, neighborhood rootworker, diviner, herbalist and conjure/poet working to help you live intuitively and work authentically.

Wanna Know More?
Very real. Let’s get into it. ✹ ✦ ✹




Sustainable Transformation!

Cards. Roots. Words. Sustainable Transformation!

Hear me Out

My superlative wasn’t “most talkative” for nothin’ :

Featured In or Previously Funded by:

How do you

Do It Tho??

Fair question! here’s the magic of it.

There’s this obsession with “doing the work” these days. That’s admirable—I’m a very hardworking person myself. But without a grounded intuition, a nourished body/mind, and an understanding of how to wield our powerful voices, how’s the work gunna work?


There are a couple ways to work with me depending on your goals.

Grounded Intuition

3 Month Hybrid Course

Hey leaders, succeeders, and all capital-D DOERS—this course can teach you to move through cycles of burnout by activating your waking intuition, tending to your relationship with the earth, deep sleep, and dream signs.




Kitchen Table Consultations

1 on 1 Divination and/or Herbalism

A ten week live container where you unlock your most authentic voice as a public speaker with the option for 1-1 public speaking coaching. 


Let’s Talk Shop

Got a project? Pitch Me!

I’m currently available for guest writing, books, workshops, panels, and podcasts.

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Black Medicine || Black Magic

(It comes out on Sundays)

Read it here ⟶

join my newsletter Black Medicine || Black Magic (It comes out on Sundays) Read it here ⟶

✹ What my Clients + Students Say

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Any questions?

Get in touch to schedule 20 minute clarity chat, on the house.